Y Combinator Start-Up School

Y Combinator Start-Up School is a virtual program that aims to move entrepreneurs from the idea validation stage to the post-MVP stage. The program is delivered through online recorded lectures from some of the brightest minds at Y Combinator, weekly coaching, and reviewing weekly progress updates from yourself. This program has definitely helped sharpened the corners of many facets of my start-up idea!

League of Innovators (LOI) Foundations Inncubator

The LOI foundations program is a virtual idea incubator program for youth under the age of 25 years to build their entrepreneurial ideas into tangible minimum viable products (MVPs) ready for market. By the end of this program, I was able to move from idea generation to coding the MVP myself! The business idea is called BriefHub which aims to automate market research and packaging it in an easily accessible and organized way which saves someone at least an hour of time!