UBCMP was a 6-month process of planning, project execution, and leading others in re-establishing the Political Science Student Association's UBCMP conference. This was a fantastic experience in learning how to be highly adaptable with a limited budget and still providing optimal results and memorable experience for participants.
The legislation we created to stimulate debate was environmental policy in Canada and Western Separatism.
I was also the "Speaker of the House" for UBCMP leading other Parliamentarians in debate, and in the legislative and political process of Canadian politics.
We also had the great opportunity of having real Liberal and Conservative Members of Parliament join us as speakers. Hearing about their personal experiences in federal politics was inspiring to hear and reassuring that democracy is alive and strong in Canada. Liberal MP Patrick Weiler and Conservative MP Kevin Chiu joined us.
This experience really pushed me out of my comfort zone in the sense that I had to make consistent executive decisions and providing leadership despite a tumultuous process of planning. This taught me how important it is to support your colleagues when they need and knowing when to step up to the plate, specifically leadership when it is not present.
After this experience, I have noticed some months later how much more efficient and dedicated I am to other projects.
Corresponding with real MPs and their staffers was also fantastic as I learned how to invite, accommodate, communicate, host, and liaise with VIPs. This is definitely transferable in terms of working with future people who require this special type of curation and ensuring that they have a great experience as we host them.